Research interests
Remote Sensing and Earth observation:
image processing, terrestrial earth observation: natural resources, forestry, land use and land use change (AFOLU/LULUCF), biodiversity, humanitarian and cultural heritage applications
In situ and satellite vegetation structure and biomass assessment: hemispherical photography, lidar technology
Carbon studies in the climate change context: understanding the UNFCCC processes, IPCC Guidelines & GPG for GHG-I, Climate change: Assessment Report 6, Carbon markets, Mitigation and Adaptation, Adaptation Monitoring
Block chain technology & AI: platforms and digital technologies for forestry, natural resources and land cover mapping/monitoring solutions
Ongoing collaborations
University of Wageningen (WUR), The Netherlands
Universite de Gembloux, Belgium
Boston University (BU), USA
UGent, Belgium
Oxford University, UK
image processing, terrestrial earth observation: natural resources, forestry, land use and land use change (AFOLU/LULUCF), biodiversity, humanitarian and cultural heritage applications
In situ and satellite vegetation structure and biomass assessment: hemispherical photography, lidar technology
Carbon studies in the climate change context: understanding the UNFCCC processes, IPCC Guidelines & GPG for GHG-I, Climate change: Assessment Report 6, Carbon markets, Mitigation and Adaptation, Adaptation Monitoring
Block chain technology & AI: platforms and digital technologies for forestry, natural resources and land cover mapping/monitoring solutions
Ongoing collaborations
University of Wageningen (WUR), The Netherlands
Universite de Gembloux, Belgium
Boston University (BU), USA
UGent, Belgium
Oxford University, UK
Curriculum Vitae
Download CV
Previous FAO study: Integration of Remote Sensing component with in situ data in National Forest Monitoring and Assessment (2009)
Previous Research Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow FWO Flanders
Research activities in association with
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
M3-BIORES, Geomatics Engineering Group
Celestijnenlaan 34 - 3001 Leuven, Belgium