Head of Green Solutions Division
European Space Agency (ESA), ESRIN (Rome)
Remote Sensing, Earth Observation & Climate Change

Former work address
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
of the United Nations (UN)
NFM & Forest and Climate Team, NFO
Rome, Italy
Remote sensing, Earth Observation, Innovation &
Web geoportals and Climate Change
- Technical guidance and advice for NFMS/ MRV
- Thematic area lead for Remote sensing and web portals/ digital webplatforms for developing countries and their (inter)national reporting needs
- GFOI Capacity Building Chair, together with Silvacarbon
- CEOS Working group on Land Validation and Calibration
- Remote sensing work in the context of emergencies (in collaboration with UNHCR & other divisions in FAO)
-UNFCCC Reviewer of GHG-I, BTRs, and REDD+ results
-IPCC Lead Author for the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
-IPCC Lead Author in AR6, WG III, published in 2022
Specific countries of action
Africa region
Democratic Republic of Congo - Ethiopia - Uganda - Ivory Coast - Sao Tome & Principe
South East Asia & Pacific region
VietNam - Sri Lanka - Bhutan - Pacific region - Papua New Guinea - Laos - Solomon Islands
South America
Brazil: collaboration with INPE (CRA)
Support for the design and implementation of national Satellite Land Monitoring Systems (SLMS) for Suriname
Democratic Republic of Congo: Portal DRC
Demonstration video portal DRC
South America
INPE-FAO capacity building
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